a Newison (Lilliput) Monitor to fit into a DWW-700H enclosure.

Ok, start with a ThermalTake / DWW-700H /
"Insert Name
Here" crappy in-dash monitor. This looked like the best thing since
sliced bread for a single DIN dash mounted TFT Screen that had a touch
screen and 1024x768 resolution. I couldn't find any bad info on it when
I got it, so it must be at least as good as my Newison (Lilliput)
Monitor in the ute right? Wrong.
This monitor (as I found out on mp3car board) has some terrible issues
that renders it basically useless for a Car Monitor.
1. The
screen takes 4 seconds to start when you press the power button.
2. You HAVE
to press the
power button, it won't fire up from just the key, you have to
press the power button and wait 4 seconds after turning the key on.
3. That is
if it starts at
all. If it's below 24oC then it won't even come on, just a white flash
on the screen and then up to 10 minutes later it would come on.
4. When you finally
got it up, the screen had major ghosting form the wrong impedance
matching on the VGA input.
5. If you have got
this far, then
you would have noticed that the colour starts tearing, and looks like
8bit when in fact it's 32bit after about 1hour of it being on. Yuk!
Well after being disappointed so much with this $400 purchase, it was
time to get serious.
The reason I got this monitor was because the lilliput had a damaged
touch screen and it was nearly the cost of a new monitor just for the 7
inch touch screen overlay. So I thought about this long and hard until
I came up with a way to use the lilliput screen, with the new
touchscreen from the DWW-700H and fit it all into the 1 din enclosure
and still be able to slide it in and out.

Single DIN closed view.

DWW-700H - Before any mods..

DWW-700H - Dissembled.

The screen is made by Atom. What a great brand....(not)....
Made in China.

Lilliput - Dissembled with it's Hitachi TFT underneath.

Lilliput with connector unsoldered.

Traced the pinouts of the wiring harness against the PCB connector to
later match to the DWW enclosure. Remeber we only need the power and
VGA pins on the lilliput. The USB touchscreen is a separate board from
the original DWW unit.

The DWW Enclosure wiring pinouts including the little USB touchscreen

Here is the connector cable that I needed to identify and
then make a connector board for...

Etch up a quick board to solder the original edge ribbon connector to
so I could run some wires from it easier.

I then only connected the pins I needed. I don't use the comp video so
it saves some work. The spare pins I connected to ground to prevent
stray noise.

Much easier to plug in with this!

Plugged up ready to test.

Ah yes it works!

Lilliput guts in a DWW-700H Case - Final Layout

Tapped up and re-assembled.

All done. You wouldn't know the difference, except for the front
buttons not working, and no power light, but it does start with the key
properly, and the screen quality is perfect :)
Where it fixes these issues, it's not with the current DWW-700H screen
hardware... You need a spare lilliput to do the fix :) There are no
heat issues with this, as this is a lilliput now and not the ATOM brand
TFT LCD of the DWW, so it has auto power on using the
It's not a fix for everyone, unless you have a
spare lilliput / newison screen. It is really just a fix for making a
Lilliput into single DIN using the DWW-700H enclosure..
Continue on with installing Bens Car PC
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